Our walk from Marlborough, Wiltshire - to - Lyme Regis, Dorset

137 miles of rural countryside along the Wessex Ridgeway Path

Friday, May 7, 2010

The plan, elevations and route

Our plan is to walk each day along this well known path, from one B&B to the next, until we reach Lyme Regis. We will probably average about 10 miles per day.
The path follows a route that has been open for centuries; past stone circles, along chalk ridges (a few carved with giant figures), and through green valleys.

Here is a view of the elevation change over the 137 mile route:

I have found from other sources that there is over 16,000 feet of climbing and a bit more descending (ending at sea level) over the 137 mile length.

Here is the walking path route in more detail:

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